CoralScape Your

Before you Build Your Reef

See How It Works Below    

Over 170 individual (30+ species) corals & inverts to choose from!

New images added DAILY!

How it Works:

Upload Your Reef (wet or dry!)

Search our preloaded database for corals, inverts, and shapes to add to your tank

Use general search terms such as SPS, LPS, NPS,
Softy colors, or specific coral species to find exactly what you're looking for!

Select your chosen coral to appear on your tank

Resize, rotate, flip and rearrange it in the perfect spot

Use the built in download button to download your fully grown out reef to your device!

Deciding between corals online?

Sick of buyers remorse because a coral doesn't fit your tank like you thought it would?

Upload them to the editor and see which ones you would prefer in your tank... before you buy them!

Know the color but not the coral? Use shapes as placeholders and choose the exact color you want!

Not Sure which coral looks best? Download multiple versions and ask friends/forums!